Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i havent updated this in a while. i've decided there is a direct correlation between me going to my history of intellectual thought class and blog updates. the more i go to class, the more this gets updated. i have a lot to take about, but i dont even know where to begin. first things first, i need to decide if i want to take the LSAT in december. today is the last day to sign up.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
im doing well
in school that is. i've made a's and b's thus far, with the exception of spanish, but it doesnt count anyway because it sucks. i have a lot of catching up to do, mainly i need to get started on a couple books for book reviews and then work on my research papers. possibly good options for the weekend. first things first, write this paper due at 3:30 this afternoon, then my presentation, then prepare for the test i have tomorrow that i have done nothing for.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
first all nighter
ive been busting ass all day working on shit, and im going to bust ass all night and continue to bust ass all day tomorrow, without sleep, to pass these motherfucking tests.... hopefully
Sunday, October 15, 2006
well, my study group feel through
the girl who organized the whole deal had car trouble. no biggie, i say. i'm getting my paper done, which is good. i really want to go have a stiff drink. i need some dinner. i wonder what i could find tasty to eat at wal-mart, because im sick of fast food. i just dont have time to cook dinner anymore. perhaps some pre-made meals, and/or a pizza would be appropriate. i do need a few other things from the grocery store... but fuck, i have to finish this motherfucking paper so i can do some other work on some other shit. stupid 2 tests on the same day... you're killing me
fucking disgusting
are the cookies and cream snickers energy bars. i just bought one, as i'm tired, but still have plenty of studying to do at the library. they are fucking sick. i can barely stomach to eat it, and i fear it is money poorly wasted.
Friday, October 13, 2006
yea, im a dork
microsoft is giving away free domains. i just got shannongrant.org it will have a link to this blog, and that will be it for now... if people can find the link. its on my facebook profile. but people will need to know where to click to get to this blog, since there are certain people that i'm not a fan of reading this. especially since i will be using this to vent a great deal more now. i think jessica and i called it quits. i cant do another quasi relationship. im too old for that shit. its time to settle down. if she doesnt want that, then its time for me to move on, and find it somewhere else. i love her, i really do. more than any girl ever it seems. im sad tonight. very sad. i miss her already. but what can i do?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
so im still drunk
went to the starkz concert last night at georges. they are good. drank too much. ended up at willy d's. kept drinking. puked in th edickson parking deck. made it home somehow. woke up this morning fully clothed on the couch. now im in class. the hottest girl in this class is sitting next to me. she smells good, but this morning its making me sick. she might even be reading this. fuck it. i dont care.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
an interesting few days
i've been busting balls the last few days trying to get ready for my exam that is coming up. i think next time i will go about this a different way, enabling myself much more time to study and much less time looking up the shit i need to study. i always say that though. nonetheless, i'm about to leave the library and head home for a while, need a change of atmosphere.
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