Tuesday, May 29, 2007
i may not be mr right, but i'll fuck you till he gets here
i saw the funniest t-shirt this weekend at river fest. i bet you can never guess the title. so, it was memorial day yesterday, so i went down to spa city for the weekend. friday night we got good and hammered at some bar there where our main sources of entertainment were these old sluts who were grinding on each other. then we saw a prolly 250lb 35-45 yr old fatty back that ass up like it was nothing. it was funny as shit. the only reason we were at this bar really was because it was donnies birthday and his old lady sings in the house band there. nonetheless, we make it back to the house and i crash.... no skanks in tow. thank god. so we go to riverfest the next day, were i see the awesome t-shirt. then we catch a few bands and see all the black folk swarm to the stage to see ll cool j. haha. a little bit later we head back across the bridge to the car and are drinking rum straight, just because we feel the need to get drunker. then we end up pounding a bunch of beer, and by the end of the day we had drank all the rum, and all of a 30 pack of beer. so then its time for george clinton, who put on probably one of the best shows i've ever seen live. the p funk all stars were incredible. so we make it back to hot springs around 1, and the next day get up early and float the caddo river, where we meet some hos floating by themselves. now, these girls were like our polar opposites, 4 chicks floating the river, sans dudes, with coolers full up beer. they were us with vaginas. so, we fed them hot dogs, and the fat one really like that. there was one girl who was smoking hot. they were all sluts and had mr crawford not been with us i have no doubt any of us could have taken any of them into the woods and banged on them. regardless, after b and i drink all there beer while the hottie uses her leg as a rope to hope her canoe to ours, we escape, only to be pulled over buy the game and fish, with 20 empty cans loose in our boat, and another 20 in the garbage sack. ahh well, all they said was make sure they dont get in the river. not a problem, off we go. we finally get to the bridge to get out and end up shooting whiskey, then head back for dinner. mmm homemade spaghetti. yesterday we drove to lr to see the new pirates movie, and it blew ass. fucking movie studios trying to make money. what a great weekend. i got home at midnight last night.
i've been a worthless sack of shit when it comes to updating my blog. i guess i should just delete it, that or make a new one that interests me more. its not that i'm not interested, i am just being lazy. i think this thing may be a cure for my insomnia. well, not a cure, but at least something to do from now on when i can't sleep at night.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
suck. im down to being done with everything but my last seminar paper. it is due tomorrow. i havent started yet, but i should be fine. if i can knock it out today, then i can get good and drunk tonight and tomorrow night... and friday night. and saturday night
Friday, May 04, 2007
spiderman 3 was the worst fucking movie ever.... ever.... i will elaborate when i finish this paper
Thursday, May 03, 2007
funniest shit ever
if you havent seen this, watch it... its great
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