Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
i may be white, but...
you don't see me painting a fucking rebel flag on the side of my car, or all over my car, for that matter. last night i went to wal-mart to buy some shit, and when i cam out this car was parked opposite me. so, i had to take some pictures. who the fuck paints apple bottoms on their fucking car? ohh yea, it was on the other side exactly the same too. first of all, this car is not a total piece of shit like i normally see with this kind of shit on it, but this still isnt hte kind of car you do this to. you don't need to put these kind of rims on it either. apple bottoms is a gay song. i contemplated waiting to see who came out, just to see who the owner of this beauty is, but then i figured i'd probably get shot, so i left. plus i had cold milk.

notice in the first picture, there is a huge white kidnapping van. as i loaded my groceries, a mexican family came out and 14 of them got in the van. can were say, stereotype?

notice in the first picture, there is a huge white kidnapping van. as i loaded my groceries, a mexican family came out and 14 of them got in the van. can were say, stereotype?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
ahhhh, dvr
so, i am an american idol tv show fan. i could care less about most of the people who win, and the albums they produce after the fact, because to be honest, most of it sucks. but, i watch the show. last night was the big fucking charity called idol gives back. it was a star studded event at two theaters to raise money for charity and blah blah blah. all i can say is, thank god for the ability to fast forward through commericials, or in this case, through the shit that i think is completely stupid and i don't care to see. i don't give a fuck about the kids in africa with malaria. honestly, its darwinism at its best. these people are dieing for a reason, so that there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. darwin said, survival of the fittest. well, it seems like america is just a little more fit than africa, and so be it. i take the same approach to this as i do for the middle east. let them all kill each other, then we can go take their oil. in africa, let them all die/kill each other, then we can go take their diamonds/gold/whatever else we find that we might need to stay the fittest. i just fast forward through all that bullshit where bono goes to africa and tries to get money. in the one bright spot of the night, i hope all the people who still bitch that their ancestors were slaves and think they deserve something watched that episode, so maybe they will stop bitching, because after all, they live in america, get more opportunities than i do (thanks affirmative action), and dont have to starve to death in africa. stop your fucking bitching. that is all
Monday, April 07, 2008
pork chop sandwiches
so, i was acting retarded today, making fun of retards. and it reminded me of this
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