Friday, September 25, 2009

my old blog.

i just read some of my old blog. i keep it around because one day i want to look back at it and laugh when i remember shit that i will have otherwise forgotten. i even posted about that specific topic. i totally was true.... old post titled "i just got back":

from florida that is. had an amazing time. spent a week after that with my family. my grandma is sick, and my mom is basically taking care of her as if she were a big old baby. it makes me sad. sad for my grandma and for my mother having to take care of her. it shouldnt be my mom's job. she should be allowed to enjoy her retirement. after all, she did work hard to allow me to enjoy my youth. now she should be able to enjoy her oldness.

i'm going to use more line breaks, because big paragraphs are intimidating, according to luke. anyway, i'm back in fayetteville, about to being a job search. i need to get one of those right after college jobs. ya know the kind, the monday through friday nine to five no weekends extended holidays kind. my blog has again been neglected. hell, i doubt anyone still even reads this. nonetheless, its for me. one day after i've forgotten all about a lot of shit i'll go back and read this and remember something funny/exciting/awesome and it will be all worth it.
see, totally worth it. grandma is gone now. almost a year. mom seems at peace with it. but will always be sad. i'm glad that stress of her life has ended and she can enjoy her remaining years before the alzheimers (sp?) sets in and she can't remember shit. it is inevitable that the women in my family lose their minds, and the men have heart attacks at an early age. fuck, im sad now.

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