This is my response to my fraternity listserv full of Democrats.
What you are failing to realize about the 44 million Americans who
voted for John McCain is, your vote is as much against one candidate
as it is for the other candidate. As this thread proves, there is no
way you are going to like everything about one candidate any more than
you dislike everything about the other. I believe you should consider
a candidate's character as much as his policy proposals. As far as I
can remember, every presidential candidate has spent the majority of
his campaign time making promises and setting out goals. Sure, they
sound great and all, but how much of that actually comes to fruition?
Not much. Presidents spend the majority of their time dealing with
whatever crisis falls into their laps because we feel it is our place
in the world to keep peace. We also have to protect our nation from
threats. What a person will do when faced with these crisis is what
defines his character. I don't care what is right for a person's
politically career, only what is right for the country.
Politicians are notorious for promising everything to everybody when
they're on the campaigning. Once they take office, campaign promises
often are considered impractical, too ambitious, unrealistic, too
costly, or are just put on the back-burner to deal with some matter
more pressing. Some people look at what the candidate has done
(Republicans), versus what the candidate says he will do (Democrats).
These are the reasons people vote for McCain.
Personally, I don't agree with all his positions, especially on
abortion. Neither should some of you. I do agree with him on the
issues of national security and on his economic policy. I think
McCain's character has been tested. Hell, he was a POW in Vietnam. As
a senator, he advocated an unpopular surge strategy in Iraq. He knew
this was a fragile issue and could very well end his political career
if the surge failed. But it worked, and even Obama admitted that.
McCain is a country first kind of guy. He has been since the dawn of
the age of man, when he was born.
Economically, the times ahead will be difficult for either side. They
will require a leader who can put aside his ego and celebrity status
and reach across party lines to reach some solutions that will benefit
the country as a whole. McCain has shown he is willing to go against
his own party to find common ground with Democrats. McCain doesn't go
far left or right on most issues. McCain got many votes because people
know who he is. Hes been around long enough for people to figure it
out. There are no surprises with his old ass. I'm not so sure about
Obama. He gives speeches that could sell binoculars to a blind man.
But his record is slim, and he has never reached across the political
aisle to achieve compromise. And then there are the questions about
who Obama associates with. I really wouldnt care if he had a few
friends who were questionable. Hell, we all still hang out with Coty
and like him. It seems that there is a growing list of anti-American,
radical Leftists, who have been mentors or close associates of Obama's
until just a few years ago when he entered the national stage.
I feel like when terrorists attack, Obama will want to sit down with
the leaders or the world and those who claim responsibility and talk
about their feelings. Hell, he might even have Oprah mediate. I'd
rather have someone who uses guns. With our economy in the shitter, we
can't afford to be seen as pussies too. I'll give Obama a chance, but
right now, his change isn't something I can believe in any more than I
believe Sarah Palin's retard child will grow up to win the Nobel
Thursday, November 06, 2008
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