Monday, November 19, 2007

my dad will kill your dad

i got to hang out with my friend john this weekend. i miss this guy. we've had a lot of fun over the years, and done a lot of dumb shit. he let the 3 amigos take his explorer on a 5000 mile road trip without hesitation, when we asked if we could borrow it the night before. if he knew how much drinking and driving and vicodin was involved, he would have consented anyway. thats why i love that guy. sat night, we were all fucked up, and somehow started talking about the vietnam war, and how my dad and i used to watch movies and he would tell what was accurate and what wasnt, because he did all teh fucked up shit like shoot kiddies strapped with bombs and burn villiages and stuff. so john, being a ho chi minh, asks, "so if i come to you house will your dad flashback and shoot me?" answer... maybe. who knows? my dad is crazy. after that comment, we just couldnt stop with the john eats dogs jokes, especially since my adopted mom may as well be the dog whisperer. their 7dogs could pull her on a skateboard easily.

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