"Listen (feel you)" live from a longass time ago
Psychotic Fantasiesbefore i found Jesus, i found the devil
All the Years aka The Graduation Song just for you lee. lets go to lunch on friday. crazees, and i'll tell you about crazy. we wrote this and recorded it all in the same hour. i cant sign worth a damn, but if you think i give a fuck, you are mistaken
Obsessive. Can't remember writing the lyrics to this song. yea, i can still do the really deep scream, i figured it out in the car the other day
Baby Got Back. hahahahaha. we sucked
Sooner that later I'm going to make a myspace page for all of this.
i was just a little baby, ok, like 16. i still have this shirt. it actually fits now.

back in the days before we were all corrupt, we were just writing songs about being corrupt

yea, i have a dickie suit. i wonder where that thing is now... like it would fit

check out our sweet logo. i have been looking for new tattoo ideas...

i'm fred durst bitchs. thank god i have drugs to keep me from actually going bald like that dousche
Yea, we made all the bitches cry. i think it was because someone at our school died earlier that week.

yea, we made shirts.

look at this sexy piece of man meat, and i dont mean the fag playing keyboard

i dont want to work, i just want to bang on my drum all day. note the jorts. must hide the ass sweat that tends to accumulate when you play drums on the 4th of july

tommy used to want to do the other chick. ha ha ha. definitely made a much better choice, my friend

and... they got married. again, not the fag playing keyboard. awwwwww

have i moved into delirious mode. probably. but my break is going to last a little longer. time to cook some eggs.
You sing, or as you say, "sign" like you have a penis in your mouth. Let it go. Remove the mouth penis. Ok, ok I'm sorry that was mean, I'm mean, we all know that. Come on, I'm joking here. On to the real response.
Good pics and music. Graduation... that song takes me back. I'm totally stealing it.
Also, I appreciate that text message this morning waking me up 30 minutes before I get up. That was a nice touch. You freaking homo...
There will be more comments left later. I've got an interview in a minute. I'm probably not going to hire this guy because I'm so tired from waking up early. Way to go Shannon, you've ruined a man's life. I hope you can sleep(with men)at night.
Did I read something about lunch Friday? I cant remember. I'm down.
P.S. That graduation song still rocks.
Um..Thanks (?) for the trip down memory lane.
That graduation song might actually be good...minus Shannon, of course. I may never stop laughing at all of this, though. I don't have to; I own an Overflo CD!
Need copy of said CD. $2 to whoever can produce it.
Or is it whomever?
lmao! i think kas had to have been the most tactful comment. i enjoyed the comments ALMOST as much as the pics from loose caboose, homecoming, and prom. i forgot all about that!!!
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