Thursday, January 25, 2007

da bears

the bears are fucking awesome, and so are bears fans. during last sunday's playoff game, this sign was aired hanging on the side of the stadium. additionally, there were signs that said stuff like. "Ride your boat back to New Orleans, Katrin victims." and signs about Reggis Bush and Goerge Bush being related.... awesome

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

old movies

so far, this movie for this class, military history in film, sucks ass. i cant really get into it. perhaps i need popcorn.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


so, i havent written in this in over a month, because i'm fucking worthless... i've been fucking worthless, i mean absolutely completely worthless for a week now. it is awesome. tomorrow i think we are going to clean the garage. that will be productive. i watched the pursuit of happyness tonight. it was good. im about ready for christmas break to be over, so i can be productive again. i have this friend who has fallen off the face of the earth. maybe she'll call me tomorrow, and tell me she is still alive. who knows?