Monday, October 19, 2009

i am a random blogger

i feel like i rarely update this. i have so much to say, just no will to type it

Friday, October 09, 2009


its fucking hot. i thought winter was supposed to be here. i'm sweating my ass off.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I'm like at a 50/50 level of going to fay this weekend for bikes blues and bbq. also known as beer, bud, and bitches. or wait maybe thats something else. i cant remember. i ahvent been in years. i have a place to stay, on dickson st... literally. i just fucking hate driving. is the drive and inability to get any work done this weekend worth the fun i'll have. i'm not sure. i have an hour to decide.

yea, i'm gonna try this.

my old blog.

i just read some of my old blog. i keep it around because one day i want to look back at it and laugh when i remember shit that i will have otherwise forgotten. i even posted about that specific topic. i totally was true.... old post titled "i just got back":

from florida that is. had an amazing time. spent a week after that with my family. my grandma is sick, and my mom is basically taking care of her as if she were a big old baby. it makes me sad. sad for my grandma and for my mother having to take care of her. it shouldnt be my mom's job. she should be allowed to enjoy her retirement. after all, she did work hard to allow me to enjoy my youth. now she should be able to enjoy her oldness.

i'm going to use more line breaks, because big paragraphs are intimidating, according to luke. anyway, i'm back in fayetteville, about to being a job search. i need to get one of those right after college jobs. ya know the kind, the monday through friday nine to five no weekends extended holidays kind. my blog has again been neglected. hell, i doubt anyone still even reads this. nonetheless, its for me. one day after i've forgotten all about a lot of shit i'll go back and read this and remember something funny/exciting/awesome and it will be all worth it.
see, totally worth it. grandma is gone now. almost a year. mom seems at peace with it. but will always be sad. i'm glad that stress of her life has ended and she can enjoy her remaining years before the alzheimers (sp?) sets in and she can't remember shit. it is inevitable that the women in my family lose their minds, and the men have heart attacks at an early age. fuck, im sad now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

entertainment value

im an asshole. i've always known that. i've been one for as long as i could speak and formulate complex thoughts. however, lately i've discovered my assholish ways are very beneficial for sending emails over the lawschool listserv. i enjoy this. i dont even know these people, nor have any reason for being a dick. it is purely for my own fucked up entertainment. i love it

Friday, September 11, 2009

so, either im really fucking hungover

or i have swine flu

yesterday i drank from 2-6, and had a lot of beer.
then i went to class from 7-9, then back to the bar and had a big whiskey drink. then i stayed awake hanging with this chick until 130 or so, went home feeling fine, but tired. this morning i wake up and feel like total shit. if i have swine flu, i swear im giving it to EVERYONE. thats right, EVERYONE.

im curious

if anyone i know is still reading this blog. it hasnt been updated in so long. well, at least not regularily. so, if someone is reading it. feel free to let me know.

Monday, September 07, 2009

im having a slight case of de ja voux

sometimes things in life happen and you think to yourself, wtf, havent i done this before? sometimes the answer seems like yes. but you know what? i just do it anyway. we fall so we can get back up and try again.

i think i like blogspot better.

thats why i havent posted any updates on the new wordpress blog. it will be deleted soon. i'm in the process of merging all the 5 posts i made there over here, and i'm going to use this blog again.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The new me. Brainmix

this is the address to my new blog. I like the layout of wordpress better, so that is where everything is located. I also imported everything from my open book blog, that was years old.

do it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

i've decided to close this blog

i'm not going to stop blogging about stuff. i'm just moving it to a new location. if you want the new info, you know how to get in touch with me.

Friday, February 06, 2009

time to clean up my facebook

and i want to remember these funny quotes, so i'll post them here

"well, when you find one you can stomach for more than 3 - 4 hrs at a time, it's worth investing more time" - David Scott on women

"A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness." - Hank Moody

"Would I like her?" - Denny Crane
"Well shes female, has a pulse." - Alan Shore

"Fat chicks are like pillows that talk."
-David Arnold

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

funny video

i love it

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

this is america, god dammit

i dont want to watch the inauguration and see cameras go to the fucking elementary school in the Philippines that obama went to. i dont want to see a shot of Kenya with people sitting around watching the only tv that the nation owns. i dont give a fuck about those countries. obama shouldnt either. he should be concerned with our economy, and our problems here. fuck the news media. they should show shots of the laid off auto workers in detroit, the people still devastated by katrina and other hurricanes. fuck the suffering outside our borders. our people are suffering. fix them first.

washington dc

right now, is home to the largest number of bluetooth headsets ever assembled in one place.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

the gayest thing ever

watch this commercial

i just saw it on tv. for a moment, i thought, i should get this for my father, since he is damn near deaf. however, at the 55 second mark in this commercial. i laughed my ass off. this did has this fucking thing in his ear, allowing him to hear what people are saying about him. there are some attractive girls talking about how cute he is. this wouldnt happen at all. they would talk about how big of a dousche bag he is for wearing that fucking headset around. what a tool.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

day of worthlessness

i've done nothing today but watch basketball, and two nfl football games. i love being worthless.